We all have seen embroidered patches, but you have to agree chenille patches have different looks. That makes them stand out from other custom patches. Chenille embroidery works better for big numbers and designs. Hence, they are also called big letter patches due to are the most useful for letterman jackets. Out of standard look, these emblems are appealing to lovers.

HOW IT WORKS: Chenille patches use yarn, acrylic yarn, and embroidery if needed. You can craft chenille big letter patches from all short lengths of yarn which are placed between two “core” yarns. Chenille embroidery machine twists both together, which gives the patch softness and classic look. With all other facts, they play a wider role in the unique culture of the United States.

CHENILLE MANUFACTURERS: The best creators of chenille patches in the U.S. mostly have one master machine. The updated chenille embroidery machine shares both chenille and standard embroidery needles. This helps very much with any of the top companies creating custom-made chenille patches.

ORDER LETTER CHENILLE PATCH: Big letter chenille patches are not an ideal pick for small spaces. To get the best quality, let’s start with an idea. Fine craftsmanship and quality felt with twill backing make the chenille patch strong and long-lasting. But to discuss each part, you need solid customer support.

Alphabet chenille is loved for hoodies and varsity jackets.

COMMON USE: Chenille patches are used as mascots, jacket-back, hoodie front, and varsities. As said earlier, they have all the big use with details letters. The bigger size gives us room to turn any complicated design into customizing the chenille patch.

SIZE: When it comes to addressing deep details like an animal like a bulldog or scenery, we take help from sating embroidery. The use of standard embroidery with chenille piles, not only ensures details in art but also gives flashy look.

Fortunately, Patches Mania is the only company that provides quick responses and follow-ups to each customer. This is the best way how you can create a desirable chenille patch that looks stunning and durable.

We convert large letters to patches in embroidery for clothing varsity in iron-ons. Our sew-on-made big alpha number patches are easily placed on jackets on special occasions.

Don’t forget to check out quick team of Custom Patches Mania. They are super responsive and stand by for branding and promotions.

Blog Author

  • Majid

    I'm a writer and embroidery enthusiast who is passionate about quality craftsmanship. I feel spiritual to share and review custom made products with a wider audience. I love writing SEO stuff for targeted market.