The trend of motorcycling is quite different today compared to a decade ago. As club-affiliated bikers have evolved with protocols, independent bikers also have some set rules to make a difference.
In this blog, we will engrave 10 rules for independent biker patches and explain how these riders differ from traditional MC clubs.
10 Identified Patch Rules For Independent Biker
#1 Personal Identity
As the name suggests, independent bikers are not affiliated with any local or traditional motorcycle club. They are usually a group of friends who do not associate with organized gatherings in a structured way. They wear patches that reflect their personal identity, interests, or beliefs. They use custom-made embroidered slogans, symbols, and flags on vests and jackets.
#2 Riding Alone
Free riders believe in independence; they ride alone. They sometimes join groups, but it is informal, and they do not tend to indulge in undertakings or sets of rules. These motorcyclists show no commitment, wearing embroidery patches on vests, jackets, and leather cuts. Their loyalty is to their enjoyment.
#3 Territorial Claims
Independent motorcyclists do not claim any specific territory for riding. Whether it’s a ride for joy or a noble cause like raising funds, they are wranglers like no other biker club. They rely on personal networks and friendships to choose their riding paths.
#4 Free Events
Independent Bikers can choose which events to attend based on their preference. They do not have the backing of groups. Wearing independent signs and letter-say, they show their participation in the broader biking community. Custom patches for certain causes, charities, or movements, such as military veterans, cancer awareness, or animal rights, are their hallmarks.
#5 No position
Since they do not follow any specific group structure, this community’s riders do not label defined roles such as President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc. There is no formal hierarchy for independent riders. Each rider is autonomous in this category. Their patches are solely for personal expression.
#6 Custom Patches and Colors
They wear customized patches free of any declared agenda. They wear large independent biker patches on the back of the denim or leather-made vests and jackets reflecting individual interests, achievements, and hobbies. Bikers wear regular embroidered, chenille, and woven embroidery patches.
#7 Freedom to Modify
Independent bikers have the freedom to add, remove, or change patches as they see fit without needing to adhere to the strict guidelines that MC members must follow regarding their colors, shape, and text.
#8 Public Perception
A rider wearing a unique patch is the center of every eye while on the road. Independent Bikers are generally viewed as individual enthusiasts who enjoy the freedom of riding. They are social and run awareness campaigns.
#9 Solo Rider Patches
Patches that specifically state “Independent,” “Solo Rider,” or “Lone Wolf” are popular among independent bikers to signify their unaffiliated status. There are tons of custom shapes, sizes and fonts, they feel free to get embroidered and wear.
#10 Respect for MC Colors
To avoid conflicts, independents avoid wearing patches that resemble or could be confused with the “colors” (official patches) of established motorcycle clubs. They would rather display patches with humorous slogans or light-hearted themes, which might not be typical in the more serious context of MC patches.
Custom Patches For Bikers Ruling
By wearing an independent embroidery patch, you tell other riders that you follow a riding schedule of your own. We help motorcyclists design own custom patches for desired cuts. We ensure your patch follows legit rules and should not be problematic or disrespectful. To put it differently, you can wear these patches without the risk of offending clubs and avoid conflict.
Get in touch to learn more about the independent patch on sale right away on the Patch Mania portal. We offer free pre-production mockups and shipping worldwide to free-style riders who want to enjoy rides and upcoming rallies.